Thursday, July 5, 2018


(Hey guys. I hope you will like my series. It is just based on fiction and imagination. Please tell me about this creation and you can give me comments too. I will try to incorporate your suggestions. So for next parts you can follow me. If you are viewing my blog on a mobile so for following me go to the bottom of the page and click 'View Web Version.' Then click on 'follow' button. I hope you like my blog.)

Oh my God! It was so relaxing. I think I lost my weight. I am feeling light. Oh! You're back. So let me continue...
Mr. Burner said, "Now chose your pet."
I asked, "Pet?"
Sadie interrupted, "We choose Plutonky."
I asked, "Which donkey?"
Rodrigo explained, "Plutonky, you will see."
Mr. Burner announced, "Call Plutonky."
After few moments I saw an animal. He was having body and legs of horse and he was having three heads. One head was of donkey next was of a dog and the last head was of a lion.
He was having a fish tail too. To my surprise he sprang out his eagle wings. Mr. Burner explained, "Plutonky, animal of Pluto. Fast as a horse, strong as a lion, loyal as a dog, swims faster than fishes and flies fastest in the sky. Ok not fastest but his speed is fine."
I asked, "Why is he having a donkey head?"
Mr. Burner smiled, "Don't call him that again. It is because donkey is the sacred animal of Pluto."
Before I could ask anything else everyone shouted, "Great! We wish you best of luck. Don't die."
Mr. Burner ordered, "Silence! Now go to armoury choose your weapons and some human dollars. I give you three hours for all the stuff."
We moved toward the armoury. They kept Plutonky in the stable. I checked out the weapons.
I didn't like any. So I asked, "Where is a gun?"
Sadie laughed, "Gun? You will kill them with a gun? Are you kidding me? You can only kill them with ancient weapons only."
I looked at the swords. I saw a torch. I was about to pick it but suddenly Sadie shouted, "No! You will burn in ashes."
But it was too late. I waited for my body to burn. But nothing happened. Rodrigo eyes popped out.
Sadie told, "It contains the energy of sun. You were able to pick it. It means you are really strong. Now keep it back before you burn up.
I told, "Are you kidding me?"
She warned, "It is really a dangerous weapon. Leave it or you have to face the circumferences."
I said, "Never."
Rodrigo came, "I choose this one." It was a sword with a curved end.
He announced, "I Rodrigo Solace claims this weapon."
Before Sadie could continue her lecture I announced, "I Zack Chase claims this weapon."
Suddenly I saw a golden aura around the weapon. I looked at Rodrigo's sword but I didn't saw any aura.
Before I could speak anything I saw they both froze. I shook them. Sadie came back into her senses.
She explained, "This weapon also claims you. Now this weapon is for you forever."
Mr. Burner entered. He said, "This weapon is for you now. I knew someone will claim this. Go my hero I believe in you."
Rodrigo said, "This sword does not claim me. But still I will use it."
I looked at Sadie. She told, "I am already having my weapon."
Before I could ask, they both moved out. So I followed them. Mr. Burner also came.
He told, "You have to find the weapon to defeat the demon. Go exactly at the top of the core of earth. Defeat his army. Then defeat the earth."
It looks really odd 'Defeat the earth'. But still he continued, "You have five days including today. My hopes are with you."
After that he gave us a bag. He said, "It has some food and water. Plus some secret weapons. Open them in case of emergency only."
We thanked him/ after that we moved inside the camp. Suddenly my legs ached. I felt tired. Sadie explained, "You will feel weaker outside the camp. The magic helps you inside the camp."
I asked, "What about Plutonky?"
She said, "He will come whenever we will remember him."
Rodrigo cheered, "So let go and defeat Earthio..."
I interrupted, "Can't we give him a nick name? Please I can't speak that word all time."
Sadie said, "Ok we will call him 'Earthie'"
I agreed, "Thanks. But how we will go so far?"
Rodrigo and Sadie giggled...
Oh! wait I didn't wash my hands. Ooops! Sorry. I will tell you the story next time...

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